Desde Abril 09, 2019 11:45 hasta Abril 09, 2019 13:00

Ciclo de Coloquios 2019: "A Potential Uses Model of Data Governance"

Publicado por Katherine Quezada

El Departamento de Informática de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María tiene el agrado de invitar a la Comunidad Universitaria a una nueva charla en su Ciclo de Coloquios 2019. Esta presentación se realizará en el Auditorio Claudio Matamoros (F-106) en Casa Central y se transmitirá por videoconferencia al Laboratorio de Programación Avanzada (LPA, Sala B-038) del DI Campus San Joaquín.

Presenta el Dr. Brian Butler, Profesor y Decano Asociado Senior en la Universidad de Maryland, Facultad de Estudios de la Información.


As the scale, scope, and pervasiveness of data resources increase, so to do examples of radical new uses and new risks arising from use of data. As a result, researchers and practitioners are increasingly interested in understanding the challenges of data governance. However, much of the published work on data governance is atheoretical, focusing on general advocacy for the importance of data governance; rich description of specific cases; or empirically-derived descriptions of data governance goals. While this literature provides suggestive insights, it is fundamentally limited as a conceptual basis for research and practice. Drawing together a conceptualization of governance as n-steps removed shaping of action, the consequences of the materiality of data, and an assumption of bounded collective rationality, the Potential Uses Model of Data Governance eeks to provide a foundational model of data governance. In this model (and the associated formalism), data governance is described as an efforts to indirectly shape the outcomes of data use, promoting those that are desirable and hindering those that are undesirable. Examination of a basic formal model based on the Potential Uses Model of Data Governance highlights fundamental tensions that exist within in the simplest contexts and suggests potential avenues for empirical study, practical analysis, and additional theoretical work.