Desde Abril 04, 2019 11:45 hasta Abril 04, 2019 13:00

Coloquio Departamental: "An Introduction to Unstructured Mesh Generation and Adaptation"

El Departamento de Informática de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María tiene el agrado de invitar a la Comunidad Universitaria a un Coloquio Departamental. La charla tendrá lugar en el Laboratorio de Programación Avanzada (LPA, Sala B-038) del DI Campus San Joaquín y se transmitirá por videoconferencia al auditorio Claudio Matamoros (F-106) en Casa Central. 

Presenta el Dr. Hang Si, del Instituto Weierstrass de Berlín/  B.S. en Ingeniería Eléctrica en la Universidad de Hangzhou/ M.S. en Informática en la Universidad de Zhejiang en 2002/ Recibió su Ph.D del Instituto de Matemáticas de Technische Universitaet Berlin en 2008.

Analytic solutions for most PDEs are known only for some simple domains, such as a circle, square, or sphere. In order to obtain solutions for more realistic domains, numerical approximations such as the finite element method (FEM) and finite volume methods (FVM) are used. Mesh generation is a key step prior to these numerical methods. It is itself an active research topic with background in mathematics, computer science, and engineering. Apart from numerical solution of PDEs, its applications are numerous and have practical uses in fields such as archaeology, cinematography and robotics.

In this talk, we will begin with triangle mesh generation and adaptation in the plane. This problem has been well studied. Efficient algorithms are developed. We will then move to tetrahedral mesh generation in 3d, which is still challenged by many theoretical and practical issues. The introduced algorithms as well as examples will be demonstrated using two open source codes: Detri2 and TetGen, which are under developing by the author.